Thursday, November 1, 2018



Leo, my daughter’s lovable golden retriever, was anxious to walk with me until he realized that it would be just the two of us. Try as I might, I could not get him to budge beyond his front yard. He wanted to walk, but not without my daughter, Jeni. If she was staying home, he was too. No amount of tugging on my part could convince him, so back inside he went.

I get it. I’ve been feeling some tuggin’ myself since returning from
Seattle where my oldest grandchild, Adam, and Allison, the woman who has been the love of his life for nine years, orchestrated an incredible, non-traditional wedding ceremony that drew families and friends together. People came from all over the country, from Florida, California, New York, Vermont, Oregon, Wyoming, Colorado, Washington DC, and from all over the world—from Chile, Tunisia, and France. They celebrated together and made new friends. They ate and drank and danced and cheered on the newlyweds as they began a new phase of their life together with a honeymoon trip to Cambodia.

And then we all went home with a whole lot of memories to be treasured and a tinge of sadness knowing that this special occasion had drawn to a close. 

Bittersweet. Eleven of my 12 grandchildren were there along with their parents. They don’t get to see each other often, but when they get together it’s no holds barred on enjoying each other. I think seeing them together is my favorite part of being a grandparent.

Coming back home after such an event is a bit of a comedown. These kids tug at my heart. I know how Leo was feeling when he refused to leave home.

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